When a butterfly flaps its wings in New Mexico, it grants power to cause a hurricane in China.  The “Butterfly Effect” is one of the principles of Chaos Theory.   In this latest episode of Life in HD, author and educator Carol Barbour shares her intriguing story of how a personal relationship as a private citizen ultimately led to her being blackballed as a public school administrator.  A series of events that negatively impacted her career and caused her to consider ending her life.  But she stood her ground and fought back.  And she tells her story in her book I Chose Defiance.

We hear about blackballing all the time but the stories usually involve high profile people in the entertainment industry.  Most recent examples include Collin Kaepernick vs the NFL and Janet Jackson vs Les Moonves of CBS.   This is part one of a two part episode about an average citizen who accuses a school district from denying her opportunities for reasons beyond professional performance.  It’s an example of Chaos Theory playing out in everyday life.

Music for this episode includes:

  1. Lobo Loco  Deeply Dungeon – under Creative Commons license
  2. Cutside Rain Drop – under Creative Commons license

I Chose Defiance by Carol Barbour is available at Amazon


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