The Search for Enlightenment

In 1968, after several platinum and gold albums, members of the iconic rock group the Beatles found themselves spiritually exhausted. They enjoyed the fame and the riches that came with it but often wondered…”what’s it all for?”

The group sought answers through the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the leader of the Transcendental Meditation movement. They visited the Maharishi’s ashram in India in 1968. The experience had a profound impact on their music. I was super curious about what the search for enlightenment was like, not only for the Beatles, but for tens of thousands of people around the world.

To help me understand the experience, I turn to Susan Shumsky, author of Maharishi and Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles Guru. Susan was under the tutelage of the Maharishi for 22 years and served on his personal staff for 6. She talks to us about the enlightenment movement and how Transcendentalism is manifested in the Beatles music.


Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present.  To be fully present and aware of one’s self is actualized living.  That’s according to Kirk Abner, author of the book Flower Dog Man.  In this episode of Life in HD, I chat with Kirk about how living an actualized existence saved him from a life of depression and meaningless pursuits.  I’ll also share 5 simple tips to help you cultivate more focused behavior on your journey to be fully present and aware of what’s happening in the moment.


Music featured in this episode – Warm Morning by Ketsa under Creative Commons License

Flower Dog Man by Kirk Abner

More information on Mindfulness can be found HERE.

Tips for practicing mindfulness mentioned in the episode can be found HERE.